Most of our projects are available to watch online!
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All our projects:
1. Israel -- the Other Reality (1988)
2. Israel -- the Changing of the Minds (1993)
3. The Invention of the Parking Meter (1993)
4. RONDO (1994)
5. Arsenal-8 (1995)
6. We Have No War Songs (1996)
7. The Bund (1997)
8. Summer, Autumn, WAR, Spring (1998)
9. ISRAEL ROCKS! (2000)
10. Simply Human (2000)
11. On Grace Kelly (2002)
12. The Way We Are (2001)
13. Whiteflag (2005)
14. The Promising Past of Television (2006)
15. How to: Be or not to Be (2007)
16. In Search of the Jewish Secret (2007)
17. Het kind achter de ogen (2010)
18. Swing me to the End of Life (2011)
19. Red Light Blues (2012)
20. SPOT ON Lia Keunig festival (2015)
21. Bloeme's Riddle (2017)
22. The Marriage Certificate (2017)
23. The Child Behind the Eyes (2018)
24. Ktzatarbut (2019)
25. Ktzatarbut (2020)
26. Tourist Guide to Warsaw (2020)
27. Zan Nadir (2020>)
28. Visual Radio Pop Up (2020>)
29. Oh, God! (2021)
30. Corinne Allal and Zan Nadir (2021)